

I got this email : Hi Jeremy, I am interested in advertising on your web page: [Credit Card Craziness][1]

Credit Card Craziness

I have a credit card through my bank, Nationwide. I recently forgot to make the monthly repayment on the card.


I was honoured to be asked to be co-editor for the latest edition of Wallzine, a wall-magazine of Arts/Politics made in Brixton.

Bank Rant

To be honest, I have never been fond of banks. I have had to sack two so far for really appalling behaviour.

New Model

I have recently been working on upgrading Apache Cocoon’s powerful CForms Framework, from using Dojo 0.


An old friend of mine who runs a small business in the UK, described to me his dealings with officials from another country, who wanted to check him out as a potential supplier :