
MetaData Madness

So, I just got back from a 6 week holiday (fantastic, I’ll write about it soon) with 5000 photos and a bunch of GPS tracks, so what happens now?

Aperture & Google Earth

You have photos in Aperture that have GeoTags in their EXIF data and you’d like to view these locations in Google Earth?

Geo Workflow

Geo Workflow Originally uploaded by sharkbait. I used to have Aperture setup to import photos when my camera was plugged in, but now I have a GPS that I take on photo trips, I need a new workflow.

Geotagged Photos

Now that Google has added support for GeoRSS to it’s products, it is possible to make a URL that shows stuff like this :

Photographer ?

More people these days are asking me, “Are you a Photographer ?

Google Photo Sharing

Google just released photo upload tools for MacOSX for their Photo Upload site, Picasa.

New Kit

Self Originally uploaded by sharkbait. I finally got myself a new camera.


If you like Flickr, you’ll love this. Flickrgraph It allows you to interact with the relationships between Flickr members.


WOW !!!!! Panoramas of the moon

Hands Off !!

P1010038.JPG Originally uploaded by sharkbait. I love lobsters …… to watch, not to eat :-)